Phone number:
Office: 949-727-7077
Fax: 949-727-1284
We are open:
Monday through Friday
Office: 949-727-7077
Fax: 949-727-1284
Monday through Friday
As experienced trial lawyers, our attorneys bring a broad, experienced perspective to the handling of contested matters. Each case is evaluated, analyzed, litigated and, where appropriate, defended through trial or arbitration according to the merits and value of the case, as well as the best interests of the client in that particular matter. Our firm takes great pride in providing the highest possible level of personal service to each of its clients, working diligently towards the end result that best serves the interests of that client.
JJ Tucker is the administrator of Doyle Schafer McMahon. She has been a member of the firm’s various entities since 1986 and has been the firm’s administrator for the past 20 years. JJ manages the day to day operation of the firm while the partners focus on their legal practice.